What is YouMagix - A UGC or a Web2.0 portal
There is debate in blogosphere about whether YouMagix is User generated content product or is it a Web-2.0 product or is it a plain and simple yellowpage variant.
For YouMagix team it is simple, it is nothing but a place where you can find options for your everyday needs. We let you decide what you want to call it :)
As an update: YouMagix team added sports, worship, colleges, restaurants & performing arts to the list of needs available on the platform checkout
My Sports Options
My Worship Options
My Restaurants Options
My College Options
My Performing Arts Options
Team YouMagix
Please provide your blog link in the bottom of front page so that user can track new features and it will be easy for us to blog new features.
It's better if you provide blog.youmagix.com
Thanks Mahesh for visiting this blog.
1. We have added a link to this blog on our site.
2. This actually is an unofficial blog started by one of our Founders and leaves a lot of scope for unofficial musings.
YouMagix soon will have an official blog.
We appreciate your feedback and are looking for more of it.
Thank you!
Team YouMagix
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